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It's just the beginning

It's just the beginning

Life with a baby is wonderful, messy, exhausting, heart-filling yet heart-breaking…so many things all at once that it can be hard to take in and appreciate. Mum of three Raffaela Sofia captures this sentiment beautifully in a recent video reflecting on the first four years of motherhood and why it really is just the beginning.

"You have little kids for four years and if you miss it, well you won't miss it, because chances are you are with those babies all day and all night.

You have sacrificed your time, your body...and likely your mental health to create a...full life for them. Of course, you want to enjoy as many moments as possible but the reality is that those four years are some of the hardest...and sometimes you're just surviving."

Raffaela then goes on to remind mums to be kind to themselves when looking back at their motherhood journey so far, and importantly, that there is so much to look forward to.

"While you might look back and miss those little years, and mourn what you weren't able to fully experience due to the stresses of it all, you will remember the beauty of it all...and know you did your very best despite how hard it was.

And you'll have so many more years to look forward to with them. It doesn't end after 4".
Wise words indeed from this beautiful mama.
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